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Cheese Puffs (Gourgères)
If you are anything like me, you always have a lot of cheese leftovers. The best way to finish them is to cook with them.
Samosas & Spinach Dip
This one of my favorite Indian snacks and the spinach dip was handed to me by a friend, Karishmaa,
Codfish, Roasted Carrots & Salad
This is going to be one of those recipes, you just throw in the oven, set a timer and done. Because I'm cooking small quantities, I...
Brussels Sprouts & Leek Casserole
This is a recipe that I followed from my-forever-crush: Jamie Oliver. So naturally this is a killer recipe. I made it over the holidays...
Black Bean Beef Stew
Growing up, we used to have Chinese-food quite often. It was always one of my favorite treats.
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