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Argentinian Empanada with Chimichurri

Argentinian Empanada

I'm obsessed with snacks, if you haven't notice, now I'm telling you.

I prefer small meals to indulge with than big meals. This empanadas are just that a small savoury treat.

I served it with chimichurri sauce.

Let's do this...

This recipe yields 12 empanadas.


2 cups of all purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 stick of butter (unsalted and melted)

1/2 cup of milk (warm milk)


1. Mix all ingredients together until a homogenous dough.

2. Let it rest for 20 minutes, before separating into 12 small balls.

3. Flatten the balls into circles and fill in with preferred filling. Fold the edges into each other sort of making a braid.

4. The empanadas can be fried or baked. Baking time will be approximately 15 to 20 minutes on 350 degrees.


1. Usually, empanadas are filled with beef or chicken. But many times I do spinach and cheese (everything with cheese is better).

2. If you want to serve the empanadas with chimichurri, just click on the word.


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