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Buddha Bowl

Buddha Bowl

I was browsing through Pinterest the other day (which is one of the my favorite sports, hihihi), and I found this new trend called "buddha bowl", so I decided to give it a try.

Again this is a very easy recipe, done in no time, what may take long could be the red beats, but you can also get the can type.

This recipe yields 2 bowls.


1/2 cup of fine bulgur (rinsed and drained)

2 tablespoons of pomegranate seeds

1 cup of cherry tomatoes (chopped)

1 tablespoon of dry mint

1 cup of red beats (cooked & chopped)

1 eggplant (sliced in eight)

12 asparagus sprigs (blanched)

1 avocado (sliced)

2 poached eggs

2 tablespoon of yogurt

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tablespoon of grapefruit juice

Olive oil


1. Mix the bulgur with the pomegranate, add salt to taste.

2. Season the tomatoes with salt, pepper, mint and olive oil.

3. To the eggplant add a bit of salt on both sides and let rest 10 minutes so the internal liquid comes out. Pat dry with kitchen towel and pan fry with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

4. Season the asparagus with salt and pepper.

5. The dressing for this bowl will be a mix of the yogurt, salt and pepper, grapefruit and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

6. Fix all the ingredients nicely on a bowl and drizzle the dressing over.



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